Have we introduced you to our incredible team leaders!? We are so excited to have Matt Jones and Tory Brusewitz joining us on this awesome adventure to Brazil! I have to say, I have been so blessed by their willingness to serve, even with all the ups and downs this last year has brought. 

Tonight we were able to get together and plan more of the details for the upcoming VBS!!! 
ALSO, a huge shout out to those of you who have already contributed items from our list yesterday!!! We are so grateful for your partnering with us in this way. If you missed our list, check out the last post. All the crossed off items have already been donated. THANK YOU!

Here are a few prayer requests that you can specifically pray for right now:

-That we would all be able to get our PCR covid tests without any complications or delays.

-For Jay's passport to get here on time before we leave. (It had to be renewed)

-For all the planning& packing 

-That God would prepare our hearts to be lights to the kids we minister to.

Thanks again for partnering with us in prayer! We so appreciate you!



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